About Me

About this Website

This website will contain my life, ventures, thoughts and professional experiences.

I hope to share a bit about myself that will contribute to the success of others viewing this website.
My main topics for now will be Japan, Business and Running.

I’ll try to publish articles weekly that will interest readers of all diverse backgrounds.


Little about myself

I often hike and hang out at the beach.
Love to venture out to new places, foreign and domestic.
I also love to cook and eat…definitely eat more than cook.
There is nothing more exciting for me than new environments!

I am a Christian and a world changer.

Thank you for visiting my website!



Social Media

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hikaru-kamikubo-180643a2/
Ig: https://www.instagram.com/hikamikubo/
Japanese Learning material on Amazon!: https://www.amazon.com/Taiki-Hika-Sensei/e/B09MHR6665?ref_=dbs_p_ebk_r00_abau_000000