Why people should advertise digital (part 3)

Reason 3: We must use digital because it represents innovation, and Innovation is our responsibility.

I believe as business professionals, we have the responsibility to connect the past with the future. This is done through investing in innovation.

Until 1879, the lamp was the source of fuel for lighting in the global community. It was costly and very dangerous. However, Thomas Edison innovated a path for society to have a more affordable and greater quality lighting, that revolutionized into a new industry – the the incandescent light bulb.

Until 1876, letters were means of communication for those in the local community, with an exception of the telegraph. However, Alexander Graham Bell innovated a path for society by revolutionizing how individuals communicated – through the telephone.

Ideas, Discoveries, and Inventions are the results of Innovation.

I believe it is important to advertise digital, because it is currently at the pinnacle of innovation, and will help us bridge our way into the next great big thing.



Five types of character that makes you a truly attractive man (Part 2)

So I apologize for the late part 2. Life has been kicking in…anyway, I hope you like it!

This article will help you identify the type of guy you are. You can be inter-correlated to more than one, but I believe to “know thyself” is the first step into shaping yourself into a better, more attractive “you”.

The Funny Guy

I’ll give you an example of this type. Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler, and Steve Carell. These guys are not the best looking guys, and they aren’t the ones dating a different super models. However, the above actors have a healthy marriage for over 10 years.

If you are a naturally funny person, I bet you have a lot of friends. People tend to want to hang out with you, and they are often smiling.

I always say that a best make up a girl can have on her face is a smile, and if you can make her smile – no doubt she will want to be with you.

The most important part about being the funny guy is to make sure you know when and what time is appropriate to make your move. If you can be emotionally intelligent during a time that requires seriousness, you are at such an advantage, because people will not expect that from you!

So if you are the funny type, show em what you got you goons!


Sophistication is Sexy.

There is a reason why Doctors and Lawyers tend to have an advantage when attracting a female. Trust me, it’s not only the money. Cosmopolitan and Business Insider both shared the polling results that the lawyer and doctor career path are found to be one of the most attractive career by women.

Needless to say, don’t go changing your career for this. To be intelligent means you have vast knowledge in a very broad genre. One advice I can give you is read. Books, magazines, blogs (especially mine) and anything else! Thus, you can have a great conversation with a girl for a long time, be interesting (or at least act like it), and impress her by showing her who you are.

*Note: This character is often mistakenly used by many when they show off how “smart” or “rich” they are. Dont’ brag about how much money you have, but be the guy that can show her how to do that math problem she is having trouble solving.

The Nice Guy…or what I call the “Gentleman”

We all heard it. “Nice guys finish last”.

I’ll admit, there is some truth to that. However, I don’t believe in compromising one’s ethical standards to attract someone who does not favor who you really are. However, many of us guys often mistakenly justify our suck up attitude for chivalry. So I’ll say this to make things easier.

Do NOT be a lil puppy dog that’s there for her. Be a GENTLEMAN.

Why? Cause that’s more dandy. Ed Sheeran’s meme is a great example when it comes to this.


*Image from Google – Meme

Don’t buy her a new pair of shoes, unless it’s your mother/daughter. Even if it’s your wife/girlfriend, still stick to Ed’s way and buy her that same shoe for Christmas/Valentine/Birthday (whatever is coming up next).

Women have always been independent, but female independence has taken a drastic rise in  recent years. Most likely, they can buy their own shoes – who knows? They might have more money than you (nothing wrong with that).

Don’t try to hard to be nice, but put in the appropriate effort to be respectful. If you do, you will have people wanting your attention in no time!


When you are looking for a job, nobody hires someone who has no excitement for the opportunity. We as humans are all genuinely attracted to the visionary.

If you are the type of guy who works to pay the bills and “make ends meet”, you’ll need to reassess yourself. I only say that as a friend and a bro – not out of hate.

There is a reason why entrepreneurs are more attractive to girls than an accountant (Nothing wrong at all with an accountant – I know many who have great goals and ambition!). We all know that accountants tend to have a better salary and a solid average wage.  However, Entrepreneurs are the epitome of visionaries. Being passionate about something is very attractive both in the professional and personal.

In his book, “Work Rules”, Laszlo Bock (who worked as head of HR in Google) shared that as of 2013, Harvard’s acceptance rate was 6.1%. The same year, Google’s acceptance rate was 0.25%. In such a competitive environment, Bock shared in the same book that Google seeks people who take ownership, and thinks of Google as their very own company…an entrepreneur.

It doesn’t have to be business. Athletes who make it as professionals, and rise as one of the best player are also a great example. Be ambitious! and work for it! If you are, cherish it, cause it’s a great (and ofcourse attractive) quality!


“I like someone who is not necessarily a thrill/danger seeker, but rather can see the adventure in something ordinary”

– Sarah from the coffee shop

I love this quality. The girl sitting next to me (Sarah) happened to point out one of the most insightful quality/character of attraction. I believe this correlate to creativity, and the adventurous nature of a person is found attractive by both guys and gals.

This is the type of person who can find the beauty in something, someone, somehow.

Inc also pointed out that an adventurous as the top characteristic of really interesting people. At the end of the day, adventure is fun. We all seek adventure, and very few of us want to repeat the same daily routine over and over.


So, did you find this helpful? I hope you did! What type are you? You can be one, or you can be all.

I  hope this helps in self assessment, and that you will be able to know your strengths and weaknesses!

Go gettem tigers! 🙂


– Hika

Happy New Year! Hello 2017!.. so whats your New Year’s Resolution?

Happy New Year! I hope that 2016 was full of great memory, valuable growth and full of joy for all of you. However, I know that there are things we also learned from, shortcomings we came across and parts of our life that we can fix. That is exactly what New Years Resolutions are for! According to Dan Diamond’s article from Forbes Magazine, 40% of Americans, or roughly 125.6 million people, make a New Year’s Resolution. However, the research team from University of Scranton suggested that only 8% of those individuals actually accomplish their New Year’s Resolution.

In this article, I will first share the most popular of the bunch. If you have made one, where do you fit? If you have not made one, why not take a go for it! It might change your life.

Top 10 New Year’s Resolution

In 2015, StatisticBrain announced 2015’s top 10 New Year’s resolution. Here are the top goals shared by many Americans even today.

  1. Lose Weight
  2. Get Organized
  3. Spend Less, Save More
  4. Enjoy Life to the fullest
  5. Stay Fit and Healthy
  6. Learn Something New
  7. Quit Smoking
  8. Help others accomplish their Dreams
  9. Fall in Love
  10. Spend more time with Family

Did you fall under any category?

Apparently we all want to get in better physical shape. Lets see what the statistics behind the most popular resolution says!

According to Rachel Bachman’s research from Wall Street Journal, February is when the largest decrease takes place. Kelsey Mulvey from Business Insider elaborates this in her research article, stating that U.S. News estimates 80% of New Year’s Resolution fail by the second week of February. Since it takes 66 days to create a habit, February which is the final time frame before creating a habit tends to be the declining dip.

Here is a pictograph from the same research article that I found was interesting.

WSJ dip graph.jpg

If you have decided on a New Year’s Resolution, don’t give up! Lets bump up the 8% achievement to a much, much higher rate this year!