Why people should advertise digital (part 3)

Reason 3: We must use digital because it represents innovation, and Innovation is our responsibility.

I believe as business professionals, we have the responsibility to connect the past with the future. This is done through investing in innovation.

Until 1879, the lamp was the source of fuel for lighting in the global community. It was costly and very dangerous. However, Thomas Edison innovated a path for society to have a more affordable and greater quality lighting, that revolutionized into a new industry – the the incandescent light bulb.

Until 1876, letters were means of communication for those in the local community, with an exception of the telegraph. However, Alexander Graham Bell innovated a path for society by revolutionizing how individuals communicated – through the telephone.

Ideas, Discoveries, and Inventions are the results of Innovation.

I believe it is important to advertise digital, because it is currently at the pinnacle of innovation, and will help us bridge our way into the next great big thing.



Why people should advertise digital (part 2)

Reason 2: We should advertise digital because it adapts to the lives of people and enhances the quality of life (consumer)

According to Digital Trends, the average time spent on the phone in America is 4.7 hours. Yext’s GeoMarketing analyzed that adults (those over 18) have an average spend of 3.18 hours per day. Initially, with the average time spent sleeping being 8.1 – 8.3 hours, this statistic can be said that the average American spends 30% a day on the phone!

Whether this is good or bad for the individual is another issue, but the fact is that mobile advertisement is a method of digital ad that is unquestionably going to be a part of a person’s day…or even life.

Through advertising digitally, the mobile division alone can intact approximately 30% of a person’s daily life.

According to eMarketer, the mobile internet ad spending is projected to drive digital media’s gains throughout the forecast period. In 2016, mobile will (for the first time) account for over half of digital ad investments and nearly 20% of total ad spending. By 2020, mobile’s share will climb to 73.7% of digital, which is equivalent to 34.2% of total media ad investment.

In conclusion, the world has been digitized – and digital (mobile, PC, etc…) has become a part of the everyday life. Thus, to advertise through a medium that takes a huge sum of an people’s life will enable society to gain substantial exposure to information – enriching the standard of life.



 – Some cool sources that I got my info from! –


Click to access outlook-internet-advertising-2016.pdf


Global digital ad spend to hit $285bn by 2020

Technology is gaining grounds in the Marketing Department (part 3)

The Mobile Era

Utilization of digital applications, web/internet, and other innovative technology has been a growing phenomenon in the marketing department. I personally had the opportunity to experience a summer of paid digital marketing internship in a firm called Exidea (http://exidea.co.jp/) in Tokyo, Japan from June-August 2015, and can vouch (for what its worth) the increase in demand for further implementation of “tech” in the marketing field is unparalleled.




A week after my business trip to Hong Kong, I went back the following week! This time to participate in a Mission’s trip for Cornerstone Baptist Church

(this day I bartered down a shirt for 5 bucks that said “Bruce Lee’s my home boy”)



*This article will be a 3 part article.

Important Vocabulary

  1. Tech-In this article, tech will be the short term for technology. This term will infer to modern methods, innovative creativity and actual technology. (i.e. internet, mobile smart phone, web design application)

Abstract Introduction

Part 3 will look into projected factors that possess the highest potential in growth that will further empower marketing technology. From there, I would like to compile the information together and create a series of theoretical predictions on how marketing tech applications will take shape in the future.

Part 3

Use of Chinese

According to *Ethnologue, the Chinese language is the most spoken first language in the world. With the largest population in the world (at 1.4 billion people), China covers nearly 20% of the world population. Thus, one in every five human on this earth is currently Chinese.

With out a doubt, the use of the Chinese language has become an important factor in business as well. As a marketer, it is important to keep in mind that China’s influence both culturally and economically will continue to expand.

According to Forbes, China also owns the first, second and third largest public companies in the world. With the rise in the predominance of the Chinese yuan (Chinese dollar) over the USD, China will continue to rise in global economic presence.

The biggest factor in this proposition is the 2016 US Presidential Election. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump has publicly announced during his campaign that his international trade platform will focus heavily on US relations with China. He will attempt to equalize trade regulations (currently, Chinese exports are at an advantage over US exports), and will try to keep USD as the main currency.

*NOTE: This is NOT an endorsement of Donald Trump, but merely a factor that can potentially affect the projected capacity of Chinese influence in the future of marketing.

*The Ethnologue is a catalogue of more than 6700 languages spoken in 228 countries. The Ethnologue Name Index lists over 39000 language,

Know an Engineer

This is a critical factor in implementing modern marketing in the projected future. According to Forbes Power People List, the first ten businessman listed are the following with the type of company they have succeeded in.

  1. Bill Gates                           Microsoft                                           Tech: Yes               Overall-6th
  2. Larry Page                         Google                                                Tech: Yes               Overall-10th
  3. Warren Buffet                 Berkshire Hathaway                       Tech: No                Overall-13th
  4. Carlos Slim Helu             American Movil                               Tech: Yes               Overall-15th
  5. Jeff Bezos                          Amazon.com                                     Tech: Yes               Overall-17th
  6. Mark Zuckerberg            Facebook                                            Tech: Yes               Overall-19th
  7. Jamie Dimon                    JP Morgan Chase                              Tech: No               Overall-20th
  8. Jack Ma                              Alibaba                                                Tech: Yes              Overall-22nd
  9. Jeffery Immelt                 General Electric                               Tech: Yes               Overall-24th
  10. Rex Tillerson                    Exxon Mobil                                      Tech: Yes               Overall-25th

As you can see, among the ten businessmen who are the most powerful and influential figures in the world, 8 of them are engineer related business. This mainly reflects the influence of technology in regards to mechanics and how the future marketing will be centered around tech business over others such as clothing, food, or retail business.

Mobile Application

The phone is used during 1/3 of the day in the life of an average American. While that in itself is a different topic of issue, the fact that the phones have taken a significant portion of the life of modern consumers are a fact.

In a study by eMarketer, the projected budget spending for mobile advertisement is at 100 billion USD. This number means that over 50% of digital advertisement will be invested in the mobile field of marketing. This growth represents a nearly 430% increase from 2013, and by 2019, eMarketer “projected mobile ad spending will nearly double, hitting $195.55 billion to account for 70.1% of digital ad spend as well as over one-quarter of total media ad spending globally


The use of phone is inevitably a growing phenomenon in human history. As a marketer, it is important to have comprehension of projected theories. While these 3 factors are not 100% certain, it is highly plausible that intelligence on these elements will heavily influence the success of a marketer in the tech marketing department.


Mobile Ad Spend to Top $100 Billion Worldwide in 2016, 51% of Digital Market – eMarketer. (2015, April 2). Retrieved April 25, 2016, from http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Mobile-Ad-Spend-Top-100-Billion-Worldwide-2016-51-of-Digital-Market/1012299

Summary by language size. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2016, from https://www.ethnologue.com/statistics/size

The World’s Most Powerful People. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from http://www.forbes.com/powerful-people/list/

Total US Ad Spending to See Largest Increase Since 2004 – eMarketer. (2014, July 2). Retrieved April 20, 2016, from http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Total-US-Ad-Spending-See-Largest-Increase-Since-2004/1010982

The World’s Biggest Public Companies. (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2016, from http://www.forbes.com/global2000/list/

U.S.-China Trade Reform. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/us-china-trade-reform




Technology is gaining grounds in the Marketing Department (part 2)

The Mobile Era

Utilization of digital applications, web/internet, and other innovative technology has been a growing phenomenon in the marketing department. I personally had the opportunity to experience a summer of paid digital marketing internship in a firm called Exidea (http://exidea.co.jp/) in Tokyo, Japan from June-August 2015, and can vouch (for what its worth) the increase in demand for further implementation of “tech” in the marketing field is unparalleled.



I am always for face-to-face interactions and networking, but it is always good to have a linkedIn account as well as be involved (in moderation) with social medias to exercise adaptable abilities on both personal and professional dynamics.

*Picture with my great uncle (gram’s younger brother) who was a predominant businessman for Toyota for 35+ years.



*This article will be a 3 part article.

Important Vocabulary

  1. Tech-In this article, tech will be the short term for technology. This term will infer to modern methods, innovative creativity and actual technology. (i.e. internet, mobile smart phone, web design application)

Abstract Introduction

Part 2 will be a page that informs the readers/viewers of this web pages on modern tech marketing methods as well as applications that are utilized in the global market. This section will introduce commonly known popular market tools mainly in the case of social media.

Part 2

To market, it is essential that the marketer have adept knowledge on what is being marketed, whether it is a vehicle, brand itself, food, restaurant, sports team, clothes or even a person. In this case, I would first advise every person reading this to master the ability to market yourself. Additionally, I would like to touch on social media and how important it is for a marketer to understand the importance of social media.

We can always market ourselves outside of social media. This can be through association with certain types of friend groups (example: jocks, nerds, sluts, popular kids and druggies in terms of stereotypical association group in high school), dressing in a mannerism which expresses oneself (suit-and-tie vs. beach tanks with board shorts and flip flops have a complete different visual display) as well as through our actions (carrying the bag of groceries for the elderly vs. running a red light in you car while blasting profane music).

Nevertheless, we can agree that through using social media and professional marketing tech applications, we can promote ourselves more effectively  not only in our social circle and local community, but also in a multi-nationally global spectrum.

Therefore, it is first important to first master the ability to market yourself as a marketer.

Justin Bieber, The Weekend, Soulja Boy, Carlie Rae Jepson are a few stars who through utilizing Youtube, were able to effectively market their performance (and themselves); each catching the attention of the right person at the right time.

Therefore, I would like to provide a view of social media as valuable tools that can be used to promote oneself. It is important for a marketer to know him/herself more before moving on to the product marketing.

Below are a list of social media as well as professional self promotion tech applications that are often used by individuals or businesses with different backgrounds from a plethora of career fields.


Needless to say, Mark Zuckerberg’s story is that of modern-day entrepreneurial sensation. Zuckerberg  who became one of the youngest person ever to become a billionaire in history, created the now ever-so-popular Facebook.

Facebook is used on a globally dynamic spectrum. Below are statistical information provided by the company’s main web site.

  • 1.04 billion daily active users on average for December 2015
  • 934 million mobile daily active users on average for December 2015
  • 1.59 billion monthly active users as of December 31, 2015
  • 1.44 billion mobile monthly active users as of December 31, 2015
  • Approximately 83.6% of our daily active users are outside the US and Canada

Needless to say, a marketer can promote him/herself effectively through Facebook. However, the power that this application possesses on a business-related marketing standpoint would be unparalleled as one of the most predominant social network media in history. Fortune and Forbes both announced that as of April 2015, that Facebook has 40 million small business accounts. Facebook is a great social media that can be utilized to stay connected with old and new friends. However, it is also a powerful tool for a business that can allow for effective marketing within the local community, as well as on a global dynamic.


For me, instagram was actually the first social media account that I had ever set up (hikamikubo-look me up!). While this application is very popular with famous phrases that has been populated such as “Sliding in her DM”. According to Instagram’s recently publicized statistical information, there are now 400+ million users in which 300+ million are users outside the US. Approximately 40+ billion photos have been shared and 80+ million more are added daily. On an average day, there are 3.5 billion likes given as well. Below is the list of information provided by Instagram’s main information web page.

  • 400MMonthly Actives
  • 75%Outside The U.S.
  • 40BPhotos Shared
  • 3.5B Likes Daily
  • 80MAverage Photos Per Day

Most of us who own an instagram account often see (and even follow) company accounts today. We all enjoy following Taco Bell to see what is new on the menu or Nike to not only get motivated by its posts but also view the slick new kicks and its designs. I personally follow Nixon, Quiksilver, Nike as well as Forbes, Men’s Health and Wall Street Journal.


I recently made a twitter account (mainly to increase viewers here) and it has been an interesting experience. Twitter is potentially the social media application with one of the highest non-US citizen usage percentile with nearly 80% of its user accounts from outside the U.S. This allows for

 *All numbers approximate as of December 31, 2015.


LinkedIn can be best described as Facebook for professionals. While facebook shares the ‘personal’ life of an individual, LinkedIn shares the ‘professional’ side of a person. In 2013, Forbes published an article that integrated a study conducted by Bullhorn. It is said that approximately 97.3% of those who had the interview conducted claimed to have checked LinkedIn as a recruiting tool. In the same manner, LinkedIn has over 400 million members from 200+ different countries and territories.

Below is a graph from LinkedIn’s web page (https://press.linkedin.com/about-linkedin)


For those looking to market themselves or for those who are looking for the right candidate, LinkedIn is the best source of social media tool (tech marketing) in a professional setting.


The Importance of Incorporating Mobile Utility

In an article in digitaltrends.com, a new data was publicized which stated that 98.2% of recruiters will tap into some form of social media for recruiting. In reference to this, it is important as marketers to grasp the knowledge on mobile (smart phones) integration.

In a research conducted by Informate Mobile Intelligence, the average American views their smartphone 17 times a day. The highest usage age group was surprisingly older than the expected age rate at 25-54 years old. Those between 15-24 were actually less prone to spending time on their smartphones.

Interestingly, the same informant also concluded that the average time spent on a smartphone in the U.S. is approximately 4.7 hours. This means (since the average sleeping time in the U.S. is 8 hours 42 minutes) that during the 15 hours that a person is awake, 1/3 of that time is spent on smart phones.

While this in itself is a different issue, the fact that this is a mobile era is indisputable. Therefore, use of social media, and through mobile integration, a marketer can increase the effectiveness of tech marketing.



About Us | LinkedIn Newsroom. (2015, December 31). Retrieved April 16, 2016, from https://press.linkedin.com/about-linkedin

Chang, L. (2015, June 13). Americans spend an alarming amount of time checking social media on their phones. Retrieved April 16, 2016, from http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/informate-report-social-media-smartphone-use/

Adams, S. (2013, February 5). New Survey: LinkedIn More Dominant Than Ever Among Job Seekers And Recruiters, But Facebook Poised To Gain. Retrieved April 13, 2016, from http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2013/02/05/new-survey-linked-in-more-dominant-than-ever-among-job-seekers-and-recruiters-but-facebook-poised-to-gain/#1e2b7dfc16bf

Company | About. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2016, from https://about.twitter.com/company

Company Info | Facebook Newsroom. (2015, December 31). Retrieved April 15, 2016, from http://newsroom.fb.com/company-info/

Instagram. (2016, March 29). Retrieved April 15, 2016, from https://www.instagram.com/press/?hl=en

Justin Bieber from Stars Discovered on Social Media. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2016, from http://www.eonline.com/shows/hashtaggers/photos/18063/stars-discovered-on-social-media/675100

McCue, T. (2015, April 30). Facebook Has 40 Million-Plus Small Business Pages. Retrieved April 15, 2016, from http://www.forbes.com/sites/tjmccue/2015/04/30/facebook-has-40-million-plus-small-business-pages/#1f884f622aa1

Snyder, B. (2015, April 30). Facebook Added 10 Million Small Business Pages in a Year. Retrieved April 15, 2016, from http://fortune.com/2015/04/30/facebook-small-business/

Technology is gaining grounds in the Marketing Department (part 1)

The Mobile Era

Utilization of digital applications, web/internet, and other innovative technology has been a growing phenomenon in the marketing department. I personally had the opportunity to experience a summer of paid digital marketing internship in a firm called Exidea (http://exidea.co.jp/) in Tokyo, Japan from June-August 2015, and can vouch (for what its worth) the increase in demand for further implementation of “tech” in the marketing field is unparalleled.





Being taught the importance of digital marketing by Tim Goudie(left) at the Click Z Live event in Central Hong Kong

Tim Goudie: Social Media Director, Sustainability for the Coca Cola Company




*This article will be a 3 part article.

Important Vocabularies

  1. Tech-In this article, tech will be the short term for technology. This term will infer to modern methods, innovative creativity and actual technology. (i.e. internet, mobile smart phone, web design application)

Abstract Introduction

Part 1 will be the informative introduction to marketing. This section will establish the fact that marketing is currently undergoing significant growth/innovation through the integration of technology. Part 1 will institute in detail the standard of norm for modern marketing as well as introduce research results on to what extent “Marketing” has accumulated growth in the category of tech marketing.

Part 1

$15 BILLION. According to the IAB, the 3rd Quarter revenue for U.S. internet advertising  as of December 10, 2015 was at a record breaking $15 billion USD. This is the highest recorded quarter ever and the figure marks a significant 23% uptick over the Q3 from 2014 which was at $12.2 billion USD.

To better put this sum to perspective, Jannet Fowler’s article on Investopedia in 2012 serves as an interesting source. Fowler shared with the readers 7 companies that were predominant in their marketing image and the budget each company spent respectively (all in the billions) in advertisement for the year 2011.

  1. Procter&Gamble:     $2.95 billion
  2. L’Oreal:                       $1.34 billion
  3. General Motors:       $1.78 billion
  4. Chrysler:                     $1.19 billion
  5. Verizon:                       $1.64 billion
  6. Time Warner:            $1.28 billion
  7. Pfizer:                          $1.2 billion

This sums up to $11.38 billion, which is still nearly $4 billion short of what was spent on internet advertisement just 4 years later!

As evident in above case, tech has gained (and is continuing to grow as) substantial priority to marketer on a globally dynamic spectrum.

The most basic component of this tech marketing is the internet. The internet is arguably mankind’s greatest innovation in the 21st century. The phenomenon in the rise of online shopping web entities such as Amazon.com and Ebay.com signifies the role of internet in modern marketing. Online shopping sales total has also increased annually and in 2015 the total sales has reached +$300 billion. The internet is not just a new dimension to mankind anymore. It has become a part of a consumer’s daily life and is the foundation of successful marketing.

A statistical argument often heard during this topic (online vs in-store shopping), is the fact that a significant percentage of consumers still purchase merchandise in a physical store. *PricewaterhouseCoopers also publicized a research result that supported this argument by recording that compared to 40% of consumers who purchase in store, only 27% of consumers purchase online. However, nearly 75% of those surveyed (19,000 consumers worldwide) by PwC also claimed that the online marketing lead to the purchase in store. **eMarketer also projected that consumers worldwide will spend a total of nearly $1.672 trillion in online transaction. This figure represents approximately 7% of overall global retail sales, which is projected to be $22.822 trillion. Additionally, eMarketer projects online purchase to increase by over double to $3.551 trillion, a revenue of +12% of total retail sales of (projected) $28.55 trillion, through the increased access to the online world.

*PricewaterhouseCoopers is a multinational professional services network headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the largest professional services firm in the world, and is one of the Big Four auditors, along with Deloitte, EY and KPMG.

**eMarketer is an independent market research company that provides insights and trends related to digital marketing, media and commerce. eMarketer, founded in 1996, is located in New York, NY. Its clients include two-thirds of Fortune 500 companies.

Two essential modern marketing (message) receiver tool (message receiver) is the Personal Computer and tablets/smart phones. These two items revolutionized marketing on multiple levels. ***Foundation Capital estimates that the spending budget on tech marketing will reach $120 billion in investment. Many fintech applications as well as mobile based market tools have revolutionized the way of business. Airbnb and Uber are recent examples that incorporate the new mobile dimension to connect business and clients on a personal level. Both application allows for any individual to sign up to be qualified as an employee to generate revenue. The system of how business is conducted is unique, but through the integration of technology in modern marketing has allowed for such businesses to experience a revolutionary success.

***Foundation Capital is a venture capital firm located in Silicon Valley. The firm was founded in 1995, and manages more than $2.4 billion in investment capital.

Social media is also a critical factor in the tech market game.While only 4% of U.S. consumers purchased items via social media, statistics show that 36% (over 1/3) credited the interaction with brands on social media as the decision factor into purchase.

While there this is an excerpt of the research results on how much impact technology has on modern marketing, it suffices as adequate proof for the argument. I hope that Part 1 was able to establish the importance of tech marketing as well as to what caliber this innovative method of marketing has grown into .


Clancy, H. (2015, October 07). 5 reasons marketing tech spending will reach $120 billion by 2025. Retrieved April 11, 2016, from http://fortune.com/2015/10/07/marketing-technology-budgets/?iid=sr-link1

Hykan, S. (2016, March 26). Five Marketing Lessons From MarTech 2016: Where Marketing And Technology Collide. Retrieved April 11, 2016, from http://www.forbes.com/sites/shephyken/2016/03/26/five-marketing-lessons-from-martech-2016-where-marketing-and-technology-collide/#538ccb736028
Fowler, J. (2012, June 11). 7 Companies With Big Advertising Budgets | Investopedia. Retrieved April 11, 2016, from http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0612/7-companies-with-big-advertising-budgets.aspx

Smith, J. (2015, December 29). Here’s how marketers are using different mobile technologies to reach consumers. Retrieved April 11, 2016, from http://www.businessinsider.com/the-mobile-marketing-report-how-marketers-are-reaching-consumers

Young, Sarah. “Mobile Technology and Targeted Marketing Barge in on Holidays.” Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 02 Nov. 2015. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.